



military discourse, journalism, essay, existentialism, literary concept.


The article deals with the military topics and problems caused by tragic historical events not only in the 21st century (annexation of the Crimea, arbitrary seizure of the eastern territories of Ukraine, full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022), but also in the 20th century (the Holodomor (1921–1923, 1932–1933, 1946–1947); the events of the Second World War (1939–1945); the ban on the Ukrainian language) are revealed in the book of journalistic essays “With love, father” by V. Puzik. It is proved, that such a state of general society actualized the desire of writers to choose a journalistic style, in which it is possible to objectively reproduce all the horrors of war, which was demonstrated in the quoted part of scientific article (active use of toponyms, literary images of death and life, cultural space for creative self-realization, nicknames of warriors, language as a national marker of Ukrainian identification, etc.). The literary concepts of war and death are analyzed as the leading representatives of the existential life of the Ukrainian people in the 21st century, which has always been one of the key topic in literature and art, especially actualized in the conditions of modern geopolitical events, when the world receives complex challenges, that cause problems, related to armed conflicts and wars. It is noted that in the address to his son, the author mentions fellow heroes, who were distinguished by their social and professional activities, were characterized by high moral qualities, which prompted them to take up arms and bravely defend their Motherland. This is how the father honors the memory of brave fighters, thanks to whom most children of Ukraine are able to live now. The ethnographic and religious reflections of the author are characterized, which became markers of the national worldview with moral guidelines for the formation of a full-fledged personality without the influence of the tyranny of the Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Sharahina, O. (2024). EXISTENTIAL DIMENSIONS OF BEING IN THE BOOK OF PUBLICISTIC ESSAYS “WITH LOVE, DAD” BY VALERII PUZIK. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 300–305. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2023-207-46