


phraseology, phraseological, component, ethnoculture, national cuisine, gluttony, language picture of the world.


The article examines phraseological units with the bread component from the standpoint of their ethnocultural semantics. The circle of researchers who study conceptual linguistics is outlined. The research of linguists interested in the phraseological fund of the Ukrainian language was analyzed; attention is paid to developments in the ethnolinguistic field, which show the coverage of ethnomotivated realities of today; the existing interpretations of phraseological units with the bread component in scientific circulation are analyzed, which updates the knowledge of linguists about the food culture of Ukrainians, their outlook, mentality, etc. In today's environment, interest in language and culture has grown rapidly. We can claim that the phraseme with the ethnographic component – glutoneme bread is endowed with significant cultural and national potential, because linguistic observations have proven that national Ukrainian cuisine is not only a biological, but also a cultural value, which relates to ethnolinguistics, culturology, linguoculturology, ethnology, ethnophraseology. The work examines the verbal expression of the “bread” component through the development of dictionaries of various types: a dictionary of signs of Ukrainian ethnoculture, dictionaries of general language phraseology, phraseology of the works of Ukrainian writers. A semantic analysis of phraseological units is presented, the most used in speech are identified, which reveal the character traits, behavior, moral qualities, traditions, and customs of Ukrainians, illustrate various life and everyday situations through food culture, and represent a linguistic picture of the world.


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How to Cite

Khozhaienko, Y. (2024). PHRASEOLOGISMS WITH A “BREAD” COMPONENT AS A MANIFESTATION OF UKRAINIAN IDENTITY. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 290–293.