


poems by Lina Kostenko, contrast, notion «absence», lexical level of the language, explicit expression, implicit expression, context.


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of Lina Kostenko’s poems, namely – to the representation of the notion “absence” in her works as it plays an important part in forming her idiostyle. A characteristic feature of Lina Kostenko’s language-making, the poetess’s favorite artistic technique that creates the semantics of the text is contrast, therefore, it can be stated that one of the central philosophical oppositions of the poetess is the antinomy “life via its absence”, and the absence of life for the author is not always death is the absence of emotions, feelings, desires, moving forward. In the study methods of literature analysis, interpretation and conceptual analysis are used. The notion “absence” occupies one of the central places in Lina Kostenko’s work: all the thoughts and aspirations of the author are focused on the present, on the energy to go forward, to continue living, no matter what difficulties may be encountered on the way, to go on, so as not to plunge into nothing, not to become the shadow Therefore, many of the author’s poems are not built on opposing notions “life” / “lack of existence”. Very often, this category does not stand for death, but oblivion, shadow, nothingness, abyss. It is these images that become central to the representation of the notion “absence” at the lexical level. The notion of absence at the lexical level of language is expressed implicitly and explicitly. In the first case, «absence» is implicit in the semantics of the word. As for the implicit representation, the author mentiones different lexemes which can be subdivided into some groups according to the degree of the embodiment of the notion “absence”: a) absolute – complete «absence» of a certain phenomenon or object (смерть, мертвий, жах, кров, розп’ятий, труп); b) partial representation (тінь, проминання); c) contextual (спогад, мираж). Explicit expression includes the usage of negative prefixes не-, ні-, без-, а-. Lina Kostenko often uses the negative pronouns: ніхто, ніщо, ніде.


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How to Cite

Samoilenko, O., & Kornieieva, O. (2024). REPRESENTATION OF THE NOTION “ABSENCE” AT LEXICAL LEVEL IN LINA KOSTENKO’S CREATIVE WORK. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 249–254.