archetype, worldview, analytical psychology, symbol, linguistic and cultural studies.Abstract
The scientific work analyzed the archetypal triad of MOTHER, FATHER, CHILD as an imaginary triangle of the collective soul in the aspect of its interaction with psychology, thinking, and culture. It has been found that these archetypes have a very strong and significant emotional value. In general, archetypes for people mean a certain naturalness. In essence, archetypes cause people to behave instinctively. Acting as carriers of certain reference signs, as well as fragments of a global image of the world, they are carriers of a certain information code and combine cultural, ethnic, and psychological aspects. An archetype is an image that belongs to all of humanity, not just to an individual. Our work is based on the theory of archetypal psychology by K.G. Jung, scientific statements on the difference between an archetype and a symbol by M.F. Alefirenko. The wide use of archetypal images of MOTHER, FATHER, and CHILD in the world picture of various nations gives us the opportunity to describe their meaning both from the point of view of psychology and from the point of view of linguistic and cultural studies. In our scientific research, the meanings of these archetypes are described in a broad and narrow sense; the functions they perform were analyzed; examples of associations are given; conventional knowledge about these archetypal images is represented; the main verbalizers of the FATHER archetype are presented. The MOTHER archetype has been found to play an important compensatory role in contemporary Euro-American society, as it operates in a culture dominated by masculine ideals as a healthy corrective to simple-minded collective masculinity. It is noted that in some cases the archetypes cannot be clearly distinguished by gender. Masculine traits and characteristics of the father archetype can manifest in the feminine elements, and conversely, the feminine characteristics and components of the mother archetype can manifest in the masculine. The CHILD archetype is presented in our work as an image of certain things from childhood that have been forgotten. That is, the CHILD archetype is a potential future. It was determined that the MOTHER, FATHER, and CHILD archetypes function as units of a constant, universal character in the ethnic worldview system of all mankind, and therefore the formation of the cognitive matrix of these archetypes is carried out with the participation of collective and individual consciousness.
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