morphological paradigmatics, declination, elementary paradigmatic class, incomplete numerical paradigm, chart of accent, alternation of consonantal phonemes.Abstract
The article analyzes the inflectional paradigm of Ukrainian feminine hydronyms, which are declinated according to the pattern of the first declination of a firm group because in the process of inflection Ukrainian hydronyms show a number of case features that distinguish them from other nouns. It is identified the main factors influencing the morphological paradigm of Ukrainian hydronyms, as case paradigms of Ukrainian proper names of water bodies are described in fragments, in particular, their specificity in the context of modern linguistics. It defines relevant factors for highlighting the morphological paradigms of the studied hydronyms, such as the nominal type of declination; generic affiliation (labelling category of feminine gender); attribution to the propriative class of hydronyms, respectively - belonging to the category of nonbeings; one-type accentuation (fixed emphasis on the basis, fixed emphasis on inflection (except vocal case); the formation of incomplete paradigms (hydronyms are usually distinguished only in the singular); common endings in case forms; the alternation of hard and soft phonemes, pharyngeal and lingual with soft tooth phonemes; it analyzes case inflections of feminine hydronyms of first declination of a firm group in the singular form (-а in the nominative case, -и in the genitive case, -і in the dative case, -у in the accusative case, -ою in the instrumental case, -і in the prepositional case, -о in the vocal case). The author analyzes 5 elementary paradigmatic classes of feminine hydronyms of first declination in the modern Ukrainian literary language taking into account a number of relevant factors: morphological, accentuating, morphonological. The morphological paradigm of hydronyms for the designation of feminine of first declination of a firm group requires a detailed study and systematic description, taking into account modern approaches, extra- and intralingual factors.
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