


comics, graphic novel, polycode text, translation.


The article is devoted to the study of the essence of comics and its role in contemporary art. Arguments are given as to why comics can be considered a symbiosis of literature and painting, as a result of which it forms a separate art form that meets the needs of modern society. Characteristics that bring comics closer to the genre of fiction are studied. The comics acts as a polycode text, various codes are considered and what functions they perform in comics. There are several interpretations of the term “translation”. In this article, we examine two generally accepted strategies for comic book translation: domestication and foreignization. A translation strategy is considered as a mechanism or method used to solve specific problems when translating an original text. It is often combined with translation techniques. The difference between translation strategies and techniques lies in the degree of their use. Translators may use whatever methods and procedures are available in a particular situation to adapt a text to the target language and culture, but follow one global translation strategy. Foreign translation or true translation is a translation strategy that preserves the original language and the form of the original work in order to convey the national cultural and linguistic characteristics of the author and harms the language and culture. The educational and informative functions of the comic are given. There are different interpretations of the definitions of “comics” and “graphic novel”, it is determined which of them acts as an important tool in today’s teaching of reading and reality cognition.


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How to Cite

Pershyna, L., Yumrukuz, A., & Zhura, K. (2024). COMICS AS A GENRE OF LITERARY ART. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 201–208.