neorealism, modernism, the Sixtiers, megatext, Hryhir Tiutiunnyk, psychologism.Abstract
The article defines basic facts of the development of neorealism. It is depicted that the beginning of the XX century is characterized by reconsideration and modifications in all the spheres of the human life. The literary work is also undergoing qualitative changes: the description of events is changed by psychologism of the depiction, long descriptions are changed into laconic and sleeker remarks of the author and dialogues of the characters are filled with many senses. It is specified that realism does not disappear as a direction but is being modified. It is determined that neorealism was kind of a bridge, a transitional phenomenon between realism (with its descriptions of normal human life) and modernism (with its remarkably deep psychologism). We agree with O. Holovii who states that neorealism is a modern phenomenon and indicates that it is the way from social realism, realistic type of consciousness to qualitative changes in the work’s poetics and innovations. Furthermore – the way to modernism. The connection of neorealism with the ideas of existentialism is revealed. It is identified that the ideas of the existentialists are common with the ideas of the writers of the Sixtiers who attempted to deepen into the inner state of a human being and understand its nature. Hence we can see a strive for self-improvement, search for something new which is confirmed by the megatext of Hryhir Tiutiunnyk as a representative of the writers of the Sixtiers. An attempt to define neorealistic tendencies in works of Hryhir Tiutiunnyk as a representative of the writers of the Sixtiers is made. It is proved that brevity, significance of artistic detail, inner monologues, first-person narration and presence of psychological scenery are the definite features of neorealism in the works of Hryhir Tiutiunnyk. The megatext of the creator persuades that Tiutiunnyk-modernist found it difficult to stay in the measures of realism thus he was seeking for his own place among modernists. The analysis of the megatext of the writer contributes to the expressiveness of the demonstration of esthetic and creative searches of the author and reflection of neorealistic tendencies in his works.
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