


translation, transformation, artistic text, concretization, part of speech reference.


The article deals with the modern studies of the problem of translation transformations in the Ukrainian-speaking linguistic space. The scientific field of translatology is rich in a number of articles considering the peculiarities of the translation transformations usage in general and concretization in particular (V. Lobanova, O. Bohaichuk, A. Lysenko, O. Konstantinova, V. Kononenko, N. Dyachuk, etc.). A brief review of the existing scientific research on concretization makes it possible to state that there is a clear definition of this notion and its place in the palette of transformations has been described, but no relevant classifications have been suggested yet. The article purpose is to determine the existing types of concretization as a common translational transformation and the reasons for their use in the translation of a literary text. The research material is the novel “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C. S. Lewis and its translation by V. Narizhna. Concretization usage helps the translator to influence the feelings of the reader so that the author's position is conveyed accurately and adequately. The analysis of the use of concretization in the translation of a literary text leads to the main conclusion that the use of concretization occupies a prominent place in the translation of the considered text and its varieties are quite diverse. We highlight specification on the basis of one word and on the basis of a word combination. One-word specification from the point of view of part of the speech belonging is divided into nouns, verbs, adjectives, participles and pronouns. From the point of view of the prevalence of words that are translated with the help of concretization, we distinguish typical units and occasional ones. The important role of concretization in translation is traditionally explained by the fact that English words have a more abstract character than similar Ukrainian units. Research perspectives consist in the analysis of the relationship and interdependence of concretization and generalization, on the one hand, and subtraction and addition, on the other.


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Lewis C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia. URL: (дата звернення: 17.03.2022).



How to Cite

Panchenko, O., & Klymenko, T. (2024). CONCRETIZATION AND ITS TYPES IN ARTISTIC TEXTS TRANSLATION FROM UKRAINIAN INTO ENGLISH. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 190–194.