


system, subsystem, supersystem, system-forming factor.


The article is devoted to the problem of determining the system-forming factor of language subsystems and the language system as a whole. This issue has not been sufficiently investigated in modern linguistics. Scientific research aims to determine the elements of each language level, their interrelationships, and hierarchical and synergistic conditioning. The object of the research is the language system consisting of subsystems. The subject of the research is the system-forming factor at each language level. The main method used is the system analysis method. The purpose of the article is to find and determine the system-forming factor of the language system as a whole, as well as in relation to each subsystem. Special attention is paid to the application of interdisciplinary approaches used in the study of this issue. The author highlights the relationship between linguistics and related fields, such as system analysis, typology, philosophy of language, and cognitive linguistics, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the essence of the system-forming factor. The article singles out eight hierarchically determined language subsystems. For the first time, a functional approach was applied to define system-forming factors of the phonetic-phonological, morphemic, word-forming, lexical-semantic, paradigmatic, morphological, syntactic, and conceptual subsystems of the language system. The article not only initiates research on the importance of issues related to the system-forming factor but also stimulates discussions on more detailed aspects of this topic. The perspective of the proposed study is to find universal characteristics at each level of the language with further application of these findings in the development of foreign language learning methods. The article will interest philological scientists, students of linguistic universities, and specialists in system analysis.


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How to Cite

Oriekhov, K. (2024). THE PROBLEM OF DETERMINING A SYSTEM-FORMING FACTOR IN LINGUISTICS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 185–189.