


mass media, metaphor, secondary names, mass communication, jargon, journalism, mass media content.


In the modern scientific paradigm, metaphor plays a prominent role, being analysed in the fields of philosophy, logic, rhetoric, psychology, literature, linguistics, etc. It is considered an important stylistic tool, an artistic technique, and at the same time a universal way of thinking and understanding the world. The Ukrainian information space of the first twenty years of the twenty-first century has undergone significant changes due to the modern processes of globalisation, democratisation and liberalisation of society, political transformations, military operations in the country and other factors. A number of important features of media texts of the early twenty-first century include the activation of elements of colloquial style, sometimes slang vocabulary, the use of secondary names that fulfil not only informative but also communicative and pragmatic roles, allow for a more emotional and expressive presentation of information, attract the recipient’s attention, persuade him or her to take your side, and create a tone of relaxed communication. The language of the mass media absorbs changes in the lexical and semantic system, reflects the functional and stylistic dynamics of well-known lexical units correlated with certain styles, reveals the problems of mastering new variants of meaning and their penetration into different stylistic spheres. Modern Ukrainian mass media are a significant resource for researching the Ukrainian language. By examining the functioning of vocabulary within the media, we can trace the relationship between language, societal development, and vocabulary influence. In addition to the general characteristics of all tropes, scholars place particular emphasis on metaphors as they play a crucial role in enhancing language and conceptualising reality. Currently, there are numerous studies on the operations of secondary designations of this kind in the media. This article presents an outline of the most significant ones, highlights the primary areas of metaphor research, and details the most frequent classifications suggested by Ukrainian linguists.


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How to Cite

Ovsiіenko A. (2024). METAPHOR FORMATION IN MEDIA DISCOURSE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 180–184.