Ukrainian language, Polish language, comparative and historical method, comparative and typological analysis, Proto-Slavic language, Proto-Polish dialects, Proto-Ukrainian dialects, Proto-Slavic phonetic system.Abstract
The article is devoted to substantiating the relevance of the study of Proto-Slavic phonetic processes, their reflection in Proto-Ukrainian and Proto-Polish dialects, and their influence on the formation of common and distinctive phonetic features of the Ukrainian and Polish languages. An analysis of the works devoted to the problem has been carried out, and a comparative typological study has been identified as a promising direction for the study of Ukrainian and Polish languages. It has been found that the duration of the phonetic development of Ukrainian and Polish languages, the relative stability of their development, the possibility of correlating Proto-Slavic processes with linguistic laws, prompts primarily the analysis of phenomena on phonetic-phonological level. The object of research is determined – the phonetic processes of the Proto-Slavic period and their manifestations in Ukrainian and Polish languages. The subject of the study is the influence of Proto-Slavic phonetic reflexes on the emergence of Ukrainian and Polish languages. The tasks of the research are formulated: 1) to outline the prerequisites for the formation of the Ukrainian and Polish language areas of the post Proto-Slavic period; 2) to process views on the reasons for the disintegration of the Proto-Slavic linguistic unity, which gave rise to the formation of separate Slavic Proto-languages; 3) to determine Proto-Ukrainian and Proto-Polish features in the dialects of the Late Proto-Slavic period; 4) to investigate the reflexes of phonetic processes of the early Proto-Slavic period in Polish and Ukrainian languages; 5) to study the influence of Late Proto-Slavic reflexes on the emergence of separate Slavic languages – Polish and Ukrainian; 6) to determine the ways of formation of distinctive phonetic features of the Ukrainian and Polish languages. The scientific novelty of the work is defined as an attempt to investigate Proto-Slavic phonetic changes in a comparative and typological aspect, to outline their reflexes in the Proto-Ukrainian and Proto-Polish periods, to reveal their influence on the formation of specific phonetic features of Ukrainian and Polish languages.
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