conceptual opposition, concept, fear, courage, nominal field, binary principle.Abstract
The article is devoted to the establishment of the conceptual content and analysis of the peculiarities of the implementation of the binary conceptual opposition “fear – courage” in the modern German language on the basis of lexicographic sources. The object of the study is the binary conceptual opposition “fear – courage”, and the subject of the study is the nominative and descriptive means of its expression in the modern German language. The study shows that the study of binary conceptual oppositions requires the application of the methodology of conceptual analysis and involves the following stages: construction of the nominal field of the above oppositional concepts; identification of their cognitive features through the prism of German linguistic culture; allocation of figurative, informational, conceptual and interpretative components of the studied concepts. The use of the methods of component, distributional, systemic and linguistic stylistic analysis makes it possible to identify the features of the components of the binary conceptual opposition, to reveal their structure and interrelationships. The study found that the concepts of “fear” and “courage” are expressed by two groups of units: 1) nominative units, which in turn are divided into two subgroups: a) primary units, which include the concept nominals that form a synonymous series; b) secondary units – units of metaphorical reinterpretation of these concepts; 2) descriptive units, which are stable comparisons and phraseological units. The name of the emotional concept of “fear” in German is the lexeme die Angst, and the concept of “courage” is der Mut. The lexical and semantic field of “fear” consists of a core, which is divided into two semantic groups: 1) “a feeling of fear and apprehension”; 2) “a high degree of fear”, and the periphery – microfields “intimidation, anxiety, depression”, “embarrassment”, “indecision”, “lightheadedness”. The core of the LSP “courage” also has two semantic groups: “the ability to overcome fear”; “heroism, courage”; the periphery includes the microfields “risk with the hope of luck”, “determination”, “sharpness in the manifestation of courage”, “courage as a male character trait”.
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