


declination, hydronym, conjugation group (hard, soft, mixed), second declination, elementary paradigmatic class, morphological paradigmatic, incomplete numerical paradigm.


The article analyzes the inflectional paradigm of Ukrainian neuter hydronyms, which are declinated according to the pattern of the second declination of hard, soft and mixed group and the system of elementary paradigmatic classes of proper names of water bodies of the second declination of hard, soft and mixed group is singled out. Nouns of the second declension of the hard group include Ukrainian hydronyms with a hard consonant base phoneme /l/, /n/, /v/, /t/, /k/, /r/, /d/, the soft group includes hydronyms with final soft consonants of the stem / l´/, /n´/, /t´/, /s´/, /j/, sibilants /kh/, /zh/, /sh/ , proper names in -e with hard final consonants of the stem /ts/, /l/, the mixed group includes hydronyms with the final consonant /h/, the case forms of which are determined by morphological ones (belonging to the propriative class of hydronyms, respectively – belonging to the category of non-beings, neuter, second declension, homogeneity of case forms); accentuation (the same fixed stress on the base or on the inflection in singular singular forms); the same graphic presentation of inflections; morphonological (alternation of hard and soft consonant phonemes) relevant factors. It should be noted that the proper names of water bodies of the second declination of the mixed group are not characterized by the alternation of vowels or consonants. The research used a comprehensive methodology that combines various methods and techniques, the main of which are descriptive, comparative and quantitative calculations. The author analyzes 8 elementary paradigmatic classes of Ukrainian proper names of water bodies of the neuter second declension of hard, soft, mixed groups. The morphological paradigm of hydronyms for the designation of the neuter of second declension of hard, soft, mixed groups requires a detailed study and systematic description, taking into account modern approaches, extra- and intralingual factors.


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How to Cite

Kuchmak, K. (2024). MORPHOLOGICAL PARADIGMATIC OF UKRAINIAN NEUTER HYDRONYMS OF THE SECOND DECLINATION. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 148–154.