phraseological units, conceptual field, concept, lexical features, semantic features, picture of the world, concept.Abstract
The article investigates the phraseological units of the conceptual field MARRIAGE in the British picture of the world. The lexical and semantic features of English phraseological units to denote the abovementioned concept are analyzed, which allows to study the concept more deeply and meaningfully, to systematize the British idea of this concept in the context of mental-structural model of society. Phraseologisms serve as a means of the most optimal verbalization of concepts, as the concepts contain specifically associative and emotional-evaluative features of the object under study. The concept is a kind of culture center in the mental world of person. Concepts carry important cultural information about the world system, because different nations perceive this world differently. Concept is a mental entity that can be used to obtain information about a nation, in particular its worldview. It is a mental prototype, the idea of the concept and the concept itself. It is characterized by a dual essence: mental and linguistic. It is an ideal image that embodies the culturally conditioned ideas of the speaker about the world and has a name in the language. Thus, concepts represent the world in the mind, forming a conceptual system, and the signs of human language encode in words the meaning of this system. The lack of a single definition is due to the fact that the concept has a complex, multidimensional structure, which includes, in addition to the conceptual framework, socio-psycho-cultural part, which is not so much thought by the native speaker, but experienced by him. It includes associations, emotions, evaluations, national images and connotations inherent in this culture.
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