concept, truth, paremy, linguistic culture, national and culturе peculiarity, paremic worldview, contrastive aspect.Abstract
The article is based on the English and Ukrainian paremiological material and considers the verbalization features of the TRUTH and PRAVDA (TRUTH) concepts focusing upon the linguacultural peculiarities of the British and Ukrainian language communities. The research is carried out by means of the relevant language concept study methodology with the elements of the author’s original investigation techniques used. On analyzing the dictionary definitions, the author presents the structure of the corresponding British and Ukrainian paremic worldview pieces with their key TRUTH and PRAVDA (TRUTH) concepts to be focused on. According to the results of the paremic samples analysis the paper identifies a) the particular communicative tonality types; b) the relevant meanings; c) the pragmatic load parameters, which makes it possible to model the structure of the contrasted concepts in terms of truth category verbalization viewed as one of the crucial wordview categories for the British and Ukrainian language cultures. The author finds that the semantic structure of the TRUTH and PRAVDA (TRUTH) concepts in the plane of the British and Ukrainian paremic worldviews is manifested via the number of extralinguistic factors: the studied paremic units in the contrasted linguistic cultures clearly manifest the religious context of the TRUTH and PRAVDA (TRUTH) concepts verbalization; the paper displays the differences in the understanding of the truth category by the British and Ukrainian communicators according to their property and social status (in particular, the Ukrainian PRAVDA (TRUTH) concept is emphasized in this regard), as well as the gender-marked meanings of the (PRAVDA) TRUTH concept, which are fixed mainly in the Ukrainian collective consciousness. Relying upon the empirical material analysis results the author registers a group of paremies that lack the truth lexeme in their wording but tend to implicitly objectify the meaning associated with it by means of imperative patterns used. The article finds that the concepts of the contrasted language cultures tend as well to be verbally manifested at the non-verbal images level; the language realization of the TRUTH (PRAVDA) concept is obviously related with the Ukrainian speakers’ emotional worldview displaying certain linguacultural peculiarities. The author also outlines prospective tasks for contrastive investigation of national verbal manifestation features within the TRUTH-UNTRUTH (LIE) – PRAVDA (TRUTH) – NEPRAVDA (UNTRUTH) (BREKHNIA (LIE) concepts binary opposition based on the British and Ukrainian paremic stock units with a particular focus on the linguacultural context of the contrasted worldviews.
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