


concept, synonym, etymological layer, lexical-semantic variant, semantic transformation.


Etymological analysis makes it possible to trace not only the history of a specific word, but also to reproduce the picture of the world that is formed by native speakers as a result of cognitive processing of information about the world and makes it possible to determine the peculiarities of the reality perception by certain language community representatives. The identification of the concept essence in the English linguistic culture, which goes back to the knowledge cognitive structures that have historically developed in a certain society, is based on a careful study of the words etymology which represent the concept. Such an analysis makes it possible to reveal the pre-conceptual properties of the studied concept, that is, to reveal the principles of the concepts formation not yet objectified by words. The purpose of the study is to identify historical changes at the level of phonology, word formation, vocabulary, semantics, etc., which are involved in the process of generating of the BETRAYAL concept representative word. On the one hand, this is the establishment of the form (proforma) of a certain etymological level, and on the other hand, the outline of the meaning of the discovered form through semantic analysis, reconstruction of the content plan. As a result of the conducted etymological analysis of the word representative, the historical origins of the concept BETRAYAL lexeme representative meaning development and its synonyms were revealed. The entire set of revealed meanings made it possible to outline the boundaries of extra-linguistic reality, which the researched concept is capable of marking, namely “infidelity, dishonesty, publicity, exposure”. The chronological framework of the lexeme betrayal meanings development covers the 10th – 19th centuries. In general, the etymological analysis made it possible to identify the images that formed the basis of the word and motivated the development of its meanings. There are 52 facts of “semantic transformations” which were found in the process of the etymon meaning developing, which are conventionally divided into the following semantic subgroups: publicity (10), deception (10), infidelity (8), treachery (6), duplicity (5 ), exposure (4), fault (4), dishonor (3), adultery (2).


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How to Cite

Ivanchenko, M. (2024). ETYMOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF CONCEPT BETRAYAL IN ENGLISH. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 93–98.