


Ukrainian language, reporting, mass media, lexicon, text, text category, lingual means.


The article analyzes football reporting through the prism of text categories. It is noted that the report, in which the commentator conveys information about the football match, is at the same time a genre of modern sports journalism, a text and a discourse of the mass media sphere. It is stated that the view of the object of research depends on the scientific paradigm, in the field of which the football report falls into the field of view. The research is based on three groups of scientific works: on football communication, on reporting as a genre, and on text and text categories. The author’s classification of text categories serves as the basis for the analysis of live football reporting. It has been declared that the basic characteristic of a TV reporting as a unit of communication is its anthropocentric projection, first of all, into the plane of communicability. Peculiarities of the semantic level of the text of the football television reporting reflect the categories of informativeness, the continuum of events, discreteness, in the syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of which conceptuality, factuality, implicitness, space and time are differentiated. The textual hierarchy of the pragmatic level is manifested by modality, which includes the subcategories of expressiveness, emotionality, and axiologicality. The range of indicators of text categories is quite wide (system of lexical, morphological syntactic means, etc.). The concluding provisions summarize that football reporting is an act of journalistic communicative activity that appeals to the viewer. The TV reporting appears as a text with a complex of relative invariant features. Textual categories, complementing each other and crossing each other, create the communicative unity of the TV reporting. The importance of studying the ratio of features of journalistic and conversational styles in television reporting – a dynamic segment of modern mass media – is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Yeshchenko, T. (2024). FOOTBALL TELEVISION REPORTING THROUGH THE PRISM OF TEXT CATEGORIES. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 88–92.