



portrait, character development, Volodymyr Danylenko, prose, postmodernism, irony.


The article reveals the features of the female portrait as a means of character creation in the prose of Volodymyr Danylenko. It has been found that in V. Danylenka’s work, female portraits are an important means of creating an image, because they reveal the character of the heroines, their manner of behavior, and determine their life experience or professional direction. They are a means of typification and are characteristic of collective portraits of women of a common profession (models, cleaners, judges), age category (teenagers or women of respectable age) or residents of a certain area. Depicting women, the author chooses an inductive method of characterization: offering descriptions of individual heroines, he generalizes images marked by a certain level of stereotyping of a woman of a certain profession or occupation. It is noted that the view of women in the works is subjective, because they are depicted from the position of only one hero. Traditional for the author’s individual style is the presence of irony in the depiction and characterization of female images. Irony acts as a kind of critical review of female stereotypes and social expectations. Using this artistic technique, the writer highlights the contradictions and ambivalence of women’s experience, emphasizes its complexity and unpredictability. The use of irony in revealing the female character allows the author to create ambiguous images that reveal the psychology and character of the individual. Since the portrait of a hero in a prose work is a text category, the essence of which is a complex image of a person as an artistic unity of physical, social and psychological components, the portrait of the hero himself in the work is displayed by the author in a complex manner according to the statement that the features of the appearance reflect the features of the inner world the hero, his nature.


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How to Cite

Hudovana, N. (2024). FEMALE PORTRAIT AS A MEANS OF CHARACTERIZATION IN THE CREATIVITY OF VOLODYMYR DANYLENKO. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 62–67. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2023-207-9