


Aviation English, intercultural communication, tolerance, psychological pedagogical technologies, cultural-communicative approach, virtual reality technologies, multimedia materials, online platforms and social networks, mobile learning content, intercultural training and immersive courses.


This article focuses on studying the formation of high-level intercultural tolerance among future professionals in the aviation industry through the process of Aviation English studing according to some modern psychological and pedagogical technologies. Considering the increasing globalization and internationalization of the aviation industry, effective communication with individuals from diverse cultures has become a crucial competency for aviation professionals. The author analyzes the impact of the intercultural dimension on the learning process and identifies key components of high intercultural tolerance. The article explores contemporary pedagogical methods and psychological approaches aimed at fostering intercultural competence in future aviation professionals who study Aviation English. By analyzing the main psychological and pedagogical technologies to develope high-level intercultural tolerance in the process of Aviation English studing, the article presents teaching techniques, examples of their application and utilization of learning outcomes corresponding to each technology. The use of interactive learning technologies such as role-playing games, situational exercises, and group projects is proposed to enhance the development of intercultural skills and the perception of cultural differences. The importance of using authentic materials and multimedia resources, which enable future aviation professionals to deep their knowledge of aviation culture and improve language skills, is also discussed. The research results confirm the effectiveness of employing modern psychopedagogical technologies in cultivating high-level intercultural tolerance during the studuinf of Aviation English. The results of this research can be valuable for instructors and educators working with cadets or students who need to study Aviation English and develop intercultural competence. Aviation English, intercultural communication, tolerance, psychological pedagogical technologies, cultural-communicative approach, virtual reality technologies, multimedia materials, online platforms and social networks, mobile learning content, intercultural training and immersive courses.


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How to Cite

Hlukhovska, M. (2024). THE PROCESS OF AVIATION ENGLISH STUDY FOR DEVELOPING HIGH-LEVEL INTERCULTURAL TOLERANCE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 48–53.