


sex, gender, gender linguistics, gender stereotypes.


The article defines the theoretical foundations of gender research in Ukrainian studies. The concepts of gender and stereotype in scientific fields are analyzed. The analysis of the literature on the researched topic allows us to assert that gender linguistics studies the peculiarities of male and female speech, the analysis of the gender identity of representatives of both sexes and the specifics of its representation in language. In Ukraine, gender linguistics is just developing, based on the methods tested in foreign linguistics and gender studies. One of the most promising tasks of the 21st century gender linguistics is the study of the peculiarities of written, artistic, in particular, speech of men and women. In Ukrainian linguistics, special works on the studied topic do not fully reflect the entire spectrum of problems and do not cover all national material. The factual material selected from Boris Revchun’s poetry collection “All Thoughts in Four Lines”, which is a means of creating gender stereotypes, is classified according to the scheme proposed by M.G. Tkalych and T.P. Zinchenko (stereotypes of masculinity-femininity, stereotypes of the professional activities of men and women, stereotypes of the combination of family and professional roles according to gender, stereotypes of the appearance of men and women by gender and attractiveness criteria). Each of these stereotypes, in addition to the professional activities of men and women, is represented at different levels of language. It was found that at the lexical level such units are contextual antonyms, metaphors, vulgarisms, colloquial lexemes; the structure of sentences and the use of punctuation marks in them in accordance with the principles of Ukrainian punctuation is also one of the means of linguistic expression of gender stereotypes. It was determined that the analysis of the identified gender stereotypes does not provide an answer to the question of whether the author consciously uses such structures as a means of linguistic expression, or whether it is caused by other factors.


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How to Cite

Volchanska, H., & Yereshchenko, Y. (2024). GENDER STEREOTYPES IN B. REVSHUN’S POETIC WORKS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 42–47.