travel, Jesus Christ, Mother of God, Bible, traveler, biblical images.Abstract
The article delves into the significance of Scripture and the depiction of biblical imagery in the travel notes of Vasyl Hryhorovych-Barskyi (1701–1747), a Ukrainian traveler and writer who journeyed across Europe, the Middle East, Asia Minor, and North Africa for 24 years. Amidst the arduous and extensive travels, Hryhorovych- Barskyi maintained a profound connection with the Holy Scripture. Amongst the sources for understanding the surrounding world, the Bible held a unique place in the traveler’s life. Biblical themes and citations were frequently used within his diary. The article substantiates references to biblical texts through examples of explanations, questions, or answers provided by the traveler. Despite the writer’s familiarity with the Holy Scripture, it also served him in acquainting himself with sacred places. The analysis focuses on selected biblical images of Jesus Christ and Mother of God, portrayed with unconventional characteristics that the writer reinterpreted and imbued with different meanings. The article comments on biblical figures through which the author revealed human traits such as truthfulness, sincerity, kindness, mercy, and love for others. The traveler considered each element of nature as a divine sign and regarded nature as one of God’s embodiments. Furthermore, insights are presented concerning trials sent by the Lord and miracles experienced by the traveler. The characteristics of Jesus Christ as a protector and teacher, and Mother of God as an intercessor, are outlined. The analysis encompasses Bible quotes not used sporadically but forming the foundation on which the entire journey rests. The peripatetic life of Vasyl Hryhorovych-Barskyi, according to the traveler’s belief, was ordained by the Almighty. Hence, the focus is directed towards the writer’s diary, encompassing religious motifs and biblical images, enriched within the text by the author’s interpretations.
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