



emotivity, idiostyle, cognitive-discursive category, cognitive proximity, diachronic plurality in translation.


The present research substantiates the degree of cognitive proximity of emotiveness means in time-remote original texts and their chronologically distant Ukrainian retranslations of the 19th–21st centuries, which reflects the author’s and the translators’ idiostyle and helps determine the translator’s choice of effective translation strategies and tactics. The material of the study is the emotive original units, chosen from W. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” (1594), and their equivalents in Ukrainian retranslations performed by P. Кulish (1901), I. Steshenko (1952) and Yu. Andruhovych (2016). The article provides a thorough description of the idiostyle phenomenon, which involves the use of special verbalization means, including connotative ones. It has been determined that the process of the artistic text translation becomes more complicated due to the presence of a connotative component of meaning in the word semantics, in particular emotiveness. The article proposes a productive cognitive-discursive approach from the standpoint of cognitive consonance and cognitive dissonance of the author’s and translator’s mental processes to determine the degree of cognitive proximity in reproducing the emotiveness means of the original text in its retranslations. In conditions of cognitive consonance or dissonance, the search for individual translation solutions in relation to the general strategy and local tactics of transformational translation leads to plurality in translation of the same original text. The article implements a new terminological apparatus of the translation transformations system, which realizes reproductive and adaptive tactics.


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How to Cite

Boiko, Y. (2024). EMOTIVENESS OF AUTHOR’S AND TRANSLATOR’S IDIOSTYLE AS A COGNITIVE-DISCURSIVE CATEGORY (CASE STUDY OF UKRAINIAN RETRANSLATIONS OF SHAKESPEARE’S TRAGEDIES). Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (207), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2023-207-2