bizarre prose, bizarre novel, irony, grotesque, humor, convention.Abstract
The article analyzes the whimsy as a stylistic feature of the fiction of V. Yavorivsky, a talented prose writer, publicist, public figure, and laureate of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine. The emphasis is placed on the deepening of philosophical and national issues in the writer’s work. It is characteristic that elements of whimsy are present not only in the author’s large genre forms (the most common is the whimsical novel), but also in his early small genres (short stories, novellas). The bizarre stylistic elements in V. Yavorivsky’s prose should be interpreted in accordance with the peculiarities of the writer’s artistic thinking, his narrative style, and the ideological and thematic structure of his works. One of the features of the writer’s bizarre prose, which differs significantly from other works of this stylistic trend, is the absence of moments of excessive arrogance or moments that are mysterious to readers, which contributes to its full perception. It is established that whimsy is an integral part of V. Yavorivsky’s artistic thinking, in particular, samples of his whimsical prose are full of conventions, humor, hyperbole and irony. It is established that the defining feature of the writer’s bizarre prose is the immensity of the plot time, the unexpected interweaving of various stylistic layers – lyrical, grotesque, pathetic, ironic; attention to philosophical and epic thought. It is outlined that an important plotforming factor of the bizarre novel, which contributes to the realization of the author’s intention, is the temporal and spatial displacement of planes, the main purpose of which is to show the density of the historical process and the person in it: the national in the context of the world, the personal in the universal.
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