

speech act, expressive speech acts, addresser, addressee, illocutionary aim.


The article deals with the predicative adjectives within the structure Vcop+Adj as a means of expressing speech acts of compliment, praise and flattery. Along with J. Searle’s classification the speech acts of approval are analyzed in light of Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory. It has been proved that construction Vcop+Adj as well as a verb in case of expressing praise, compliments and flattery serves as a means of rendering positive evaluation on the side of the speaker including satisfaction, adoration or approval. The illocutionary aims of the speech acts of compliment and praise are to affect the emotional state of the addressee, their inner values and also to induce the listener to perform certain actions. The illocutionary aim of flattery is the insincere praise expressed in order to derive benefit. On the syntactic level to enhance the expressiveness of the compliments and praise predicative adjectives are used with different intensifiers, interjections and interrogative pronouns. In case of flattery the pattern Vcop+ Adj is just one among other numerous structures, flattery containing more words than necessary.In case of expressive speech acts of compliment, praise and flattery of great importance is the status of the speaker and the hearer. Complementing and making flattering remarks usually presupposes the equal status of the addresser and the addressee while praise as a rule comes from the person with the higher status. It has been established that if compared with praise the compliment is of an interactional character while praise is a statement. Compliments concerning appearance are also more often paid to women.


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How to Cite

DEYCHAKIVSKA, O. (2023). DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SPEECH ACTS OF COMPLIMENT, PRAISE AND FLATTERY EXPRESSED BY PREDICATIVE ADJECTIVES. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (202), 130–135. Retrieved from https://journals.cusu.in.ua/index.php/philology/article/view/22