linguocultural studies, linguocultural concept, representation, conceptual analysis.Abstract
In the article, the author tries to analyze the linguistic representation of the linguistic and cultural concept "Freundschaft" in A. Sommer-Bodenburg's novel "Der Kleine Vampir". The novel belongs to the genre of literature for children. For today, research in the field of representation of linguistic and cultural concepts in literature for children requires more attention from scholars, as this genre has recently experienced a significant burst in development. More and more new literary works are appearing. However, quantity does not always mean quality. The novel "Little Vampire" is about the birth of a true friendship between two 13-year-old teenagers who belong to different "parallel" worlds - the world of vampires and the world of mortals. Each of the adolescents is experiencing certain difficulties during puberty. Therefore, the topic of true friendly relations, their vector orientation deserves careful study. Since the concept of "friendship" is one of the basic concepts of the vast majority of linguistic pictures of the world, among the concepts that reflect the spiritual values acquired during the historical development of a particular ethnic group, there is a significant need to explore ways of literary representation of this concept. Given the role and place of the concept of "friendship" in the conceptual picture of the world of each nation, and the role of fiction in the educational process of the younger generation, important is the question of the form of representation of the concept in literary works targeting the younger generation. The analysis of the novel "Little Vampire" reveals the various contexts of the use of the concept of "friendship" and its role in the work to reveal the author's idea of the representation of this concept.
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