


woman, micro concept, literary image, stylistic and literary devices, authorial speech


The article deals with the concept WOMAN in the works of a talented Polish poet of the 19th century Adam Mitskievich. The features of a literary period Romanticism when the poet worked are described. National and cultural, lexical and grammar peculiarities in the original language are stressed. The article outlines a range of modern foreign and native scientists of cognitive linguistics, emphasizes in their significant contribution to the problem. The concept appears to be realized firstly as a cultural, linguistic and cultural and as a linguistic concept finally. The latter is a notion in linguistics and provides analyzing the writer’s personal style. Different approaches and methodologies to determine the concept WOMAN are accentuated. The author reveals the concept nature, basing on which the images are built in literary works. The article characterizes the specific features of a poet’s individual creative approach to choose lexical components for the concept WOMAN in the poem “Grazhyna” in the original Polish language. The semantics of the above mentioned form of thinking and its functions are studied. The author offers the division into three micro concepts to form the concept WOMAN: “appearance”, “inner world” and “social characteristics”. A defining feature of an Adam Mitskievich individual style is to be defined as the implementation of a great number of literary tropes to depict a feminine image. It promotes enriching the Polish literary language. It is described that the authorial peculiarity of these expositions are to be stressed, since they partly deal with the external factors, and the female character is categorized in other vectors. The poet explains the overthinking of social and cultural roles of a WOMAN and the stereotypes connected with it. The author’s poem “Grazhyna” was of great importance for the birth of a national and liberation movement and the formation the world-view of the Polish people.


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How to Cite

Osipchuk, H. (2023). VERBALIZATION OF THE CONCEPT WOMAN IN THE POEM “GRAZHYNA” BY ADAM MITSKIEVICH. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (206), 100–105.