culture-bound items, national culture-bound items, translation transformation, target language, hyponymic substitution, hyperonymic substitution, synonymous substitution, transcription, transliterationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of national realities translating, which is due to the fact that this issue is one of the most difficult in translation practice. Different language pictures of the world divide the surrounding reality in different ways, which causes certain difficulties when translating lexical items denoting the phenomena inherent only in a particular culture. Therefore, a translator needs to know the national and cultural peculiarities of the region whose language he or she translates. It should be understood that translation of the culture-bound words requires the use of the various translation mechanisms. The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of translating the words which denote the national realities, as one of the translation problems. The main hypothesis of the study is that the national and cultural elements in the lexical system require additional knowledge and skills from the translator. The main transformations used in the translation of the national and cultural realities include transcription, transliteration, synonymous translation, hyponymic or hyponymic substitutions, descriptive translation and others. Since the texts containing the nationally specific components cannot be translated without the special research, the translator needs to acquire knowledge of a particular subject and immerse himself in another reality. Very often, the culture-bound items are replaced by the transcribed or transliterated units. In this case, it seems impossible to find a one word equivalent in the target language. Some translators try to replace the reality of another culture with a familiar and specific one that has a corresponding equal semantic and stylistic charge. This technique is not always effective. Therefore, the use of the synonymous substitution and descriptive translation is justified. Using hyponymic and hypernymic substitutions, the translator tries to provide a one-word translation, as this technique corresponds to the economy of language means. Nowadays, there are many cases of writing a lexical item to denote a reality using the means of the recipient language, which is sometimes also maintained in view of the translator’s desire to convey the meaning as strictly as possible. Thus, giving the equivalents to the nationally specific words is a special area of the activity that requires additional study and is relevant in translation practice. The choice of translation techniques depends on the translator’s experience and knowledge, as well as the intention and ultimate goal of the text being translated.
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