euphemism, neologism, semantic derivation, computer lexis, political correctness.Abstract
This article delves into the realm of euphemization within the English-language computer lexis, investigating it as a potent mechanism of semantic derivation. The article examines how euphemization serves as a method for modifying meanings and engendering new words within the computer lexis. It explores various types of euphemisms and their functions, while also addressing their influence on language culture, the ever-evolving concept of “political correctness,” and the perception of information. One notable example of euphemization in the computer lexis is the use of terms like “unpublish” or “deplatform” in lieu of “deleting” or “blacklisting” when referring to actions taken towards posts or publications on online forums. These euphemisms aim to convey a milder connotation while still indicating the removal or exclusion of content. By employing such language, the intent is to soften the impact of the action, reducing negative implications or perceived censorship. Another instance arises in the usage of the phrase “to be sent to the archive” instead of the more direct expression “to die.” Additionally, the computer lexis employs euphemization to enhance the general impression of certain activities. For instance, the term “clickthrough” is often used as a euphemism for “brand advertising.” By using this euphemism, marketers and advertisers seek to emphasize the interactive nature of their campaigns, highlighting the engagement and involvement of the target audience, rather than merely indicating the commercial intent behind it. By examining the formation and application of euphemisms within the computer lexis, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of these linguistic phenomena. The insights gleaned from this research hold value for linguists, teachers, and anyone with an interest in the development of the English-language computer lexis. With the rapid evolution of technology and the pervasive influence of the digital realm, comprehending the nuances of euphemization in the computer lexis becomes increasingly relevant.
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