


Leslawa Korenowska, Lviv text, Ukrainian cordocentricity, reception, artistic consciousness.


This article attempted to comprehend the monograph of the Polish Slavic researcher Leslava Korenovskaya "The Face of Talent of Seven. Modern writers and poets". Today is undoubted the relevance of studying the modern literary process in Ukraine. This focus of humanitarianism allows you to look at the artistic searches of authors as a priority material of study. No less significant is the fact that in addition to the search for Ukrainian philological thought in the field of exhaustion of modern Ukrainian studies, much has been done in this area by Western Slavic studies, in particular Polish. This focus of humanitarianism allows us to consider the artistic searches of authors as a priority material of study. No less significant is the fact that in addition to the search for Ukrainian philological thought in the field of studying modern Ukrainian studies, much has been done in this area by Western Slavic studies, in particular Polish. The factor of the monographic material appeal to a thorough study of the path of modern Ukrainian poets and writers. The ability to trace the development of Ukrainian studies from the standpoint of foreign Slavic studies contributes to the intensification of dialogue in the humanitarian field. The semiotic potential of studying Ukrainian cultural and geographical loci emphasizes the importance of attention to the manifestations of the Lviv text, the specifics of which the Polish researcher recreates on the pages of her monograph. The exchange of experience stimulates the identification of various Western analytics strategies implemented during a scientific appeal to modern Ukrainian studies. The opportunity to comprehend the spiritual continuity of the Polish researcher to Ukrainian cordocentrism sets semantic horizons in the knowledge of the manifestations of various mental and emotional spectra. The analysis of the monograph contributes to the identification of the entire paradigm of cognition strategies implemented by the Polish researcher, setting the basis for understanding the specifics of the national canon of intellectual heritage and sensibility in modern Ukrainian studies.


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How to Cite

Fokina, S. (2023). MODERN UKRAINIAN LITERATURE IN THE PHILOLOGICAL DISCOURSE OF L. KORENOWSKA. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (205), 230–236.