


loan translation, personality, paroemias, fixed expressions, interpretation, transformations, phraseology.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the paroemias of the Ukrainian language. Attention is focused on the standardized use of paroemic units and fixed word combinations, since quite often their use turns out to be erroneous and loan. The active use of paroemias in the vulgar tongue testifies to their significance and to the reflection of culture, history of the people, and self-identification of Ukrainians, and therefore the study of paroemias within the framework of linguistics and translation studies occupies one of the leading places. A comparative study of paroemias of two or more languages makes it possible to determine the similarities and differences that contribute to the creation of the most scientifically based method of teaching a foreign language [10, p. 122]. During the research, discrepancies were found in the interpretation of individual paroemias, their correct translation into Ukrainian that was caused by the long-term linguistic occupation and the total influence of the Russian language within Ukrainian territories. The article examines seven popular thematic groups, in which variants of paroemias with true and loan interpretation, differences within the meaning and perception due to forgotten endings of well-known expressions are revealed. Another five thematic groups are presented in the form of a table, which demonstrates erroneous usages confirmed by modern dictionaries. The study of paroemias of the Ukrainian language makes it possible to trace the formation of the Ukrainian personality under the influence of the environment and folklife culture, progress and religion, and other factors. The perspective of further research consists in the decoding of author`s paroemias of Ukrainian writers of the past and present, in the development of observations of language changes over time and the influence of neighboring countries, in the depiction of personality in Ukrainian phraseology, and in the identification of differences in analogues in other closely related languages.


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How to Cite

Fedina, O. (2023). UKRAINIAN PAROEMIAS AND FIXED EXPRESSIONS: REVIVAL OF LANGUAGE TRADITION. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (205), 224–229.