essay, fiction text, essay structure, essay composition, fiction framing, open ending, catalogue, cataloguing, quote collage, quasi-quotation, reminiscence, metaphor, epithet, simile, self-reflection, intertextuality.Abstract
The article researches the architecture of the artistic essay and describes its differential features, literary (autobiographical, intertextuality, associativity, wide use of artistic means) and socio-communicative features (relevance, subjectivity, voluntariness). The author of the article based on her literary texts described four main methods of constructing an essay: framing, cataloguing, open ending, and quote collage. The technique of artistic framing consists in the fact that when constructing an essay, the text author uses circular stanzas, in this way the beginning and the end of the text completely or partially coincide on the lexical, syntactic or tropeic levels of language. This technique forms the integrity and completeness of the essay. The method of cataloguing consists of vertical and horizontal "sophistication", it is the "concentration" of the text. The catalogue is the so-called frame of the text, which can be expanded into the essay itself. And vice versa: any essay can be folded into a catalogue. The technique of quote collage consists in the fact that the architecture of the essay is formed by interspersing other people's speech: quotes, reminiscences, reviews, etc., but this technique should be used carefully since the essay genre is characterized by "I" sound, and not someone else's speech. The reception of the open ending consists in the fact that the text of the essay seems to be incomplete, broken, and unfinished, but the open ending gives the reader space for "cooperation" with the author's "I", which ensures the aesthetic effect of the text on the semantic and compositional levels. The genre of an artistic essay of any structure is characterized by the following features: a pronounced figure of the author, subjectivity, self-reflection, intertextuality; use of tropes, stylistic figures, open or hidden dialogue with the reader, integrity, and coherence of the presentation. Art essay architecture is free.
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