speaker, listener, feedback, dialogical speaking, monological speaking, articulation base, auditory competence, positional-combinatorial features, prosodic structure of language.Abstract
The article describes special features of acoustic perception of the dialogical and monological speaking. It emphasises the importance of the emotional bond between speaker and listener which is essential for an error-free auditory identification of sound signals as well as of the prosodic structure of the linguistic utterance. In dialogic communication the emotional relationship between interlocutors is closer than in monological speaking, any message undergoes constant modifications under the influence of a changing communicative situation. At the structural level dialogues do not consist of full sentences, but of individual rhythmic groups and syntagms with their own intonation and other prosodic parameters. In dialogical speaking there is a constant exchange of views between interlocutors, redistribution of roles. Such unpredictability significantly complicates the phonetic analysis of dialogical speaking at the instrumental level, but facilitates the perception of sounds and intonation at the perceptual level. At the same time the opposite tendency is observed in the material of monological speaking: due to a clear theme-rhemestructuring and the presence of full sentences sound and prosodic parameters usually correlate with the content of the message. However unlike dialogical speaking monologue does not always provide feedback between the participants of communication, often there is no emotional component in the relationship between speaker and listeners, therefore the interpretation of the speech message may be distorted at the phonetic level. The article also explains the close relationship between articulatory and perceptual phonetics and names the most problematic vowels and consonants of the contemporary German language from an acoustic and physiological standpoint.
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