



lexical units, legislative acts, translation transformations, translation accuracy, equivalent influence.


This article examines the translation of legislative act lexical units of the European Union. Each European law is based on a certain article of the contract, otherwise – on a legal basis. It determines which legislative procedure to follow. In the translation of legislative acts extreme accuracy in the transmission of information is important – translation accuracy, which in functional, recipient-oriented approaches is dynamically understood as «equivalent impact on the target recipient». Adequate and verbatim, literal types of translation are used in the translation of legislative acts. The application of a free type of translation is impossible due to the need for the most accurate transfer of all elements of the original legislative text, especially lexical ones. The main feature of legislative acts is the active use of legal terminology, as well as terms from other fields of science. The vast majority of the vocabulary of legislative acts is represented by special lexical units that are included in the terminological corpus of the legal language. This means that the main lexical units of the legal substyle of the language are terms. Terms differ from commonly used words by a high degree of systematic organization, which is evidenced by such semantic relations as genus and species, which pervade the entire specific terminology. In other words, a terminological unit does not exist in isolation, but functions in a system and has close lexical-semantic connections with other lexemes within the terminology, such as synonyms, antonyms, generic and species. One of the ways to reproduce lexical units in the Ukrainian translation of legislative acts is translation transformations. During the research on the material of legislative acts we found out that the following types of lexical transformations belonging to lexical substitution are used in the translation of these texts: specification, generalization, modulation, as well as compensation, complex compensation, integral transformation, translation, reduction, addition and tracing.


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How to Cite

Polishchuk, L., & Pushkar, T. (2023). LEXICAL UNITS IN THE TRANSLATION OF EUROPEAN UNION LEGISLATIVE ACTS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (205), 160–164. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2023-205-23