Ukrainian-language literary discourse, the concept of BEING, fishing vocabulary, navigating vocabulary, extended metaphors, existential meaning.Abstract
This article examines the peculiarities of semantic content and vocabulary (linguization) in the Ukrainianlanguage literary discourse of the most important categories of being (situations when a person tries to find and realize the meaning of life) through the prism of fishing and navigation vocabulary. The following names appear in the sensual depiction of universal values (as the cores of the author's extended metaphors, as determinants around which holistic images are created): yatir (or vénteris – fishing tools), vichka (mesh hole), tench, wels catfish, yushka (fish soup), zabresty (stand in the water while fishing with a net), flutter, reeds, storm, arrival, sailing out, trip, bearing, anchor, port, sail, bay, breeze, gale force, moored, royal yard, sail, deck, stern, etc. in the works of Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Yurii Yanovskyi, Leonid Tendiuk, Serhii Osoka, and in Ukrainian translations of Joseph Conrad and Ernest Hemingway. The analysis of Ukrainian-language original and translated texts with fishing and navigation vocabulary has shown the importance of the notions denoted by these names for the individual author's artistic and figurative comprehension of the most important categories of human being: “a wave stopped by time”, “a secret not yet revealed”, “catching the edges of the sun with the back of your head”, “evening <...> caught tenches for fish soup”, “wels catfishes were already fluttering in Desna between the stars”, “in the two seas of her blue eyes”, “young ships – my sons – grew up under my sails”, “something as fresh as the first light breeze”, “the universe is puffing up the star sail”, etc. The analyzed material has shown that the detailed literary metaphors with fishing and navigating terminology have a deep existential meaning (happiness, the search for happiness, love, longing, suffering, death...) and aesthetic perfection, which should encourage researchers to further study the means of linguizing sensual images of being in literary texts with a «fishing and navigating» figurative basis.
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