


professional competence, communicative competence, rhetorical competence, rhetorical knowledge, rhetorical skills.


The article theoretically substantiates the expediency of allocating rhetorical competence as a component of professional and pedagogical competence, analyzes various approaches to defining the essence and structure of rhetorical competence. It has been established that rhetorical skills are professionally necessary for a future specialist, and rhetorical education contributes to the development of a whole system of personal qualities of a young person: culture of thinking, speech, behavior, communication, performance skills, emotional culture. Based on the analysis of the interpretations of the concept of “rhetorical competence” by various scholars, it is found that rhetorical competence is a combination of theoretical and practical readiness of a specialist to produce texts of various types in accordance with the purpose and situation of public speaking, skillful use of rhetorical means to influence the addressee in the process of language communication, rhetorical and personal self-improvement. The study identifies the structural components of rhetorical competence: rhetorical knowledge, skills, a set of necessary personality qualities, appropriate value orientations, perfect mastery of speech strategy and tactics, the ability to manage the communication process and exert the desired impact on the audience. It is noted that in order to effectively carry out professional rhetorical activities, a future specialist needs to develop his or her rhetorical skills, among which the most important are the ability to analyze texts, express and argue their own opinions about the content and form of expression; perceive statements of different styles and types of speech; build their own monologue and dialogues; evaluate the text, its content and form; master the types and genres of eloquence and influence the audience; deliver their own messages, etc. The features and ways of forming the rhetorical competence of future physical education teachers/coaches in the process of studying the course “Ukrainian Language (for professional purposes)” are analyzed. A system of exercises and tasks is proposed that promotes the mastery of rhetorical information and the formation of professionally important linguistic and rhetorical skills of students.


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How to Cite

Lishtaba, T. (2023). FORMATION OF RHETORICAL COMPETENCE SPECIALIST IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (205), 118–123.