cohesion, coherence, English multimodal literary fairy tale, multimodal fictional (prose) text, verbal component.Abstract
The necessity of a comprehensive disclosure of the mechanisms of cohesion and coherence in multimodal literary fairy tales, taking into account the functional paradigm of modern linguistic research and the achievements of semiotics, narratology, text linguistics, and discursive stylistics, explains the relevance of the problem. The use of structural-semiotic and narrative approaches to analyze verbal and non-verbal modes of cohesion and coherence contributes to the identification of their textual specificity in English multimodal literary fairy tales, which have remained unnoticed by linguists until now. The aim of the research is to identify and characterize the structural-semiotic and narrative aspects of cohesion and coherence categories in English multimodal literary fairy tales, which determine their textual nature. Thus, the ability of verbal units to perform multiple functions is a constant feature of artistic discourse. The functioning of verbal units in English multimodal literary fairy tales is related to the system of cohesion and coherence modes. The multifunctionality of cohesion and coherence verbal units arises in the text due to the integrated unity of their modes. Verbal units of cohesion are actualized by phonemes, morphemes, lexemes, and syntax. Verbal units of coherence are actualized by modes of cohesion in the structure of supra-phrasal unity and text fragments. During semiotic-narrative analysis of the text, verbal units can be considered as a system of cohesion and coherence modes. In the perspective of further research, it is proposed to involve a semiotic-narrative interpretation of cohesion and coherence modes in English multimodal literary fairy tales using the GeM model in future text linguistic studies, which can be conducted on the material of other categories of texts of various typology in the context of modern linguostylistic, linguocognitive, and discursive research.
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