innovations, neolexems, media text, media discourse, media space, media linguistics, lexical and word-forming innovative processes.Abstract
The article deals with the specificity of the modern media text and media discourse of the war period in the linguistic aspect. The motivational functions and the specifics of the lexical and word-forming innovations in the modern media discourse are clarified. It is noted that the functioning and active use of the innovations in the media discourse are explained by taking into account the communicative and informational public needs in the nomination of processes, objectified actions, the phenomena of their pragmatic direction and use in journalistic style and the Internet resources. All the structural components of the neolexes correspond to the language and speech systematicity of language practice, the activity of derivational resources of the Ukrainian language. The innovative lexical and word-forming processes contribute to the formation and interpretation of the language picture of the world. The recipients of mass communication choose the most rational non-logical language means. During the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the number of the new creations has increased; they are formed mainly from anthroponyms and oikonyms. There is a noticeable tendency to create the desubstantives, denumeratives, and deverbatives of the verbative block. The military terms and their derivatives are actively used in the speech of the ordinary Ukrainians and are adapted to the Ukrainian language system. In the language, the transitions of the lexemes from passive to active use, the phenomenon of forming terminology and determinology are characteristics of the military lexicon. The analysis of the media text as a communication product, author's position and style helps reveal the lexical and word-forming innovations, the specificity of onyms, anthroponym and the derivatives from the onyms. In the neolexems there is the reinterpretation of the semantic, mainly the expansion of the semantics of the derivative. The functions of the innovations in the media texts reveal the principles of the systematic organization of language, contribute to the agreement with the mental ontology of the Ukrainian language, ensure the existence of metalanguage analogues, word-formation types and models, all of which components are relevant to the content, connotative coloring, and structure of the speech activity of the subjects.
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