sport discourse, sport terminology, media discourse, mediasport.Abstract
The article analyses the peculiarities of translating sport discourse based on the material of Englishlanguage online publications. It is established that sports journalism is works of sports topics that affect the consciousness of the sport community and raise topics that are relevant to our time. All materials written on sports topics are socially oriented and influence the formation of opinions among readers or viewers. It is determined that sports discourse is an institutional type of discourse and is defined as speech activity within the sphere of sports. In addition, it was clarified that the sphere of sport communication is mainly determined by the sphere of mass media. It is determined that the term media sport is used to describe socio-cultural speech activities related to sport topics and which can be objectified in media texts. Depending on the type of media, the following types of sport discourse are distinguished: newspaper and magazine, television, radio and internet varieties. The chronotope of sport discourse is described as: a sport event limited in time; the time of preparation of the athlete for the competition; the time of broadcasting the competition; repetitions of sport events; the locus of the sport event; the geographical location of the competition; the locus of preparatory events of the sport competition and the general characteristics of the sport discourse. The main functions of sports-related texts are described as: informative function, influence function, evaluation function. It is noted that the difficulty for translators can be exactly sport terminology that distinguishes sport discourse from other types of discourse because in translation studies to this day there is no single classification of ways to translate terms. The specifics of the translation of sport discourse, namely sport terminology, are analysed and the main methods of translation are identified: vocabulary, descriptive translation, transcription and modulation.
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