


functional-semantic field, modern Ukrainian language, internet edition, military vocabulary, neologisms, metonymization, toponyms.


The article analyzes the functional and semantic field of “war” based on the texts of online publications. The purpose of the work is to study the processes of realization of functional and semantic features of military vocabulary in the modern Ukrainian language, namely in the texts of online publications. In accordance with this goal, the authors of the article define specific research objectives: to identify the inventory of lexical items used in the conceptualization of the studied concept of “war”; to describe the functional and semantic features of lexical items representing military actions and components; to single out lexical items that are used in the representation of military actions in Ukraine and which, despite their neutral or political meanings, can be classified as military vocabulary. The object of the study is military vocabulary, and the subject is its functional and semantic features. The material for the analysis was based on examples obtained by the method of continuous sampling from the texts of Ukrainian websites in 2020–2023. The study of the factual material was conducted using a set of methods, including, in particular, contextual analysis and the method of linguistic interpretation of language units. According to the results of the study, military vocabulary is a multidimensional mental formation, the content of which is formed by conceptual and figurative components. It is proved that in the center of the functional and semantic field “war” is the noun “war”, the near periphery of which is represented by synonyms of this word, and the far periphery – by vocabulary denoting Ukrainian and world politics, world security institutions, as well as units denoting weapons and military equipment. The semantic core of such vocabulary is the concept of “war”, which includes nominative units of the near periphery in various synonymous forms. Nominative units of the far periphery of the functional-semantic field “war” are represented by lexemes denoting weapons, equipment, actions, toponyms, positions of Ukrainian and world politics, as well as various political, security, judicial, military organizations, institutions. The concept of “war” is explicated by a large number of lexical units of various structures (derivatives, composites, prepositional constructions, metaphor-metonymic formations), which are used to represent the functional-semantic field of “war” depending on the profiling feature or units indicating implementation, conduct, execution war The analyzed linguistic units perform nominative, expressive and metonymic functions in the texts of online publications.


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How to Cite

Holopych, I., & Pertseva, V. (2023). FUNCTIONAL-SEMANTIC FEATURES OF MILITARY VOCABULARY IN ONLINE PUBLICATIONS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (205), 45–50.