

dialectology, subdialect, oral speech, spontaneous speech, speech description, sound corpus, dialectological research.


Expressing the definition of speech in the paradigm of modern Ukrainian dialectological studies is not only a promising area of scientific work in terms of linguistic terminology apparatus, but also the unification of the description and stratigraphy of the study of dialects in Ukraine, generalization of modern scientific knowledge, creation of scientific picture of the world, etc. The general scientific definition of speech as "a functioning linguistic system that may differ from other words by the features of phonetic, grammatical, word-forming and lexical features" has changed somewhat in modern conditions. To express the definition of speech in this plan, according to the author, the following positions should be added: establishment of its origin (taking historical evidence into account); material and spiritual culture taking into account; detection of nuclear and peripheral features of speech; definition of diachronic and synchronous aspects of speech functioning; establishment of traditional differential and relevant features of speech as a linguistic portrait of a settlement; study of the composition of the city as a conglomerate of surrounding dialects, etc. Modern theoretical substantiation of speech implies unification of the differential system of dialect units "idiom – dialect – subdialect". Today, the three-stage system of dialect units in the direction of multilevel is required to be refined. Retrospective and modern studies of speech as a linguistic system show that the process of forming a dialectological base in terms of expressing its definition by virtue of the philosophical laws of stability and variability is not absolutely complete, since in this compulsory component of dialectological research is taken into account as constant information and so constant information that there is in a state of dynamic development and need constant updating with new data, which is seen in the perspective of the methodology of Ukrainian dialectology.


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How to Cite

HROMKO, T. (2023). EMPHASIZING OF SPEECH DEFINITION IN MODERN UKRAINIAN DIALECTOLOGY. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (193), 366–371. Retrieved from https://journals.cusu.in.ua/index.php/philology/article/view/114