Stalins totalitarian regime, repressions, deportations, Organization of Ukrainian nationalists, Ukrainian Insurgent Army, Rivne region, post-war yearsAbstract
The article is dedicated to the study of the establishment of the Soviet totalitarian system on the territory of the Rivne region in 1944-1953. The use of deportation as an important component of the policy of taming the local population is characterized. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis and critical understanding of the functioning of the Soviet totalitarian regime during the "second Sovietization" of the Rivne region. Study of the mechanisms of Stalin's repressive and punitive system, determination of the scope and consequences of deportation processes. The research methodology is based on the principles of scientificity, systematicity, reliance on historical sources and their verification. Problem-historical, search methods, as well as methods of microhistory and local history were used. The scientific article analyzes the situation of the population of the Rivne region, which was at the epicenter of the confrontation between the Soviet authorities and the Ukrainian insurgent movement. The essence of the communist system and repressive policy, the peculiarities of its functioning have been studied. The methods and means of the struggle of the Soviet authorities with the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army have been determined. Using specific examples of human lives, taking into account the testimonies of victims of political repression, the activity of the penal system is analyzed and the scope and consequences of Stalin's policy in the Rivne region are shown. It is substantiated that the establishment of the Soviet totalitarian regime in the Rivne region in the postwar years was carried out by command-administrative and repressive methods. There was a mass murder of the Ukrainian population, its dispersion in the corners of the Moscow Empire, and the extermination of entire families. It was asserted that the arbitrariness and impunity of the employees of the power structures led to a negative impact on the political, socio-economic and moral life of the population of the Rivne region. The processes of eviction of family members of the participants of the liberation movement show all the complexity and depth of the scale of social experiments that led to irreparable human losses.
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