demarcation, hamlet, land tenure, Novomyrhorod, railroad, Velyka VysAbstract
The article is the first attempt to comprehensively examine the history of settlement of the eastern neighborhood of Novomyrhorod – Khutir district, and also, it raises the question of the origin of this microtoponym. Based on a comparison of cartographic sources, the author traces the appearance of the first buildings in this area and the process of its gradual expansion during the second half of the 18th – mid‑20th century. It has been established that the gradual development of the territory initially occured from the side of the Velyka Vys River on suitable sites, and it expanded from north to south in the 20th century. Through a thorough analysis of boundary books, lists of landowners, family lists, lists of populated places, and other archival and published documents, the history of the settlement of the area is revealed in chronological order and the main events in its development are highlighted, the owners of land allotments are identified, and the names of the hamlets and their inhabitants are defined. The history of the opening of the Novomyrhorod railway station on the Odesa-Bakhmach line, which became one of the key stages in the development of the neighborhood, is studied. Changes in land tenure and management since the Bolsheviks’ coming to power are analyzed, as well as the names of land tenants are defined. The key aspects of the development of Khutir in the postwar years are highlighted and the main factors that influenced the growth of its settlement intensity are identified. The results obtained can have practical application in teaching history courses, preparing museum exhibitions, creating local tour routes, etc. They also can facilitate further intensification of professional historical and local history research. In particular, the other questions that have previously received insufficient attention, such as the history of the areas officially incorporated into the town in the mid‑20th century: the villages of Vynohradivka, Katerynivka (Shmydove), and Sofiivka (formerly the sloboda of Novomyrhorod, including the suburbs of Chornohoriia and Bessarabiia), are promising subjects for study.
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