effective army of UNR, Free Cossack, Glodosy, Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921Abstract
The article’s purpose is to comprehensively investigate the activities of the Free Cossack movement in Glodosy in 1917–1918. The source base of the research consists of the memories of the participants of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921, as well as archival investigative files against the members of the Free Cossacks of Glodosy, stored in the State Archives of the Kirovohrad region. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, scientific means, verification, and the author’s objectivity, as well as the usage of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and generalization. The scientific novelty involves the utilization of some primary sources which had not been used by historians before. The systematized data was brought into scientific circulation, including analysis of the Free Cossack movement evolution. The article reveals the circumstances of the first large-scale attempt of the Red Army to seize Glodosy at the beginning of 1918 and investigates the peculiarities of the interaction of the Cossacks with the German- Austrian allies in the confrontation against the Red Army for control over the important railway stations of Adabash and Novoukrayinka. Analyzing the source base exposed that at the initial stage, the Free Cossacks in Glodosy were an unorganized movement since there were no professional soldiers among its founders. Another founding shows that the Free Cossack movement acquired a mass and organized style after the veterans of the First World War joined it. In the research process, it has been found that the leaders of the Free Cossack movement in Glodosy remained loyal to the Central Council of Ukraine and, starting at the end of 1917, entered into a confrontation with Bolshevik sympathizers. The study proves that the Cossacks’ growth in the number of soldiers and the strengthening of their fighting capacity became possible due to the tie’s establishment with the government of the Ukrainian National Republic. The study found that after the liquidation of the Free Cossacks in Glodosy, part of its members continued the fight for Ukraine’s independence as part of the Active Army of the Ukrainian National Republic and insurgent units.
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