anthroponyms, Cossacks, Kropyvna Cossack Regiment, the town of Kropyvna, registers of the Zaporozhian Host, toponymsAbstract
The article deals with names, nicknames and surnames of the Cossacks from Kropyvna Region based on anthroponymic sources. In many cases they indicate their belonging to certain settlements of the region. The term “Kropyvna Region” used in a broad sense to mean should be understood as the territory that was included to the Kropyvna Cossack Regiment in the middle of the 17th century. Now these settlements belong to the Cherkasy, Poltava and Chernihiv regions. The purpose of the publication is an attempt to prove the reflection of toponyms in anthroponyms by analysis of proper personal names of the Cossacks of the Kropyvna Cossack Regiment of the middle of the 17th century, as well as Irkliiv and Shcherbynivka kurins of the Zaporozhian Host in the 1750s and show the nature of their mutual influence. Two documentary sources were used as the basis for the research, recorded Cossacks from the specified territories – “The Register of the Zaporozhian Host of 1649” and “The Register of the Zaporozhian Host of 1756”. The analysis and comparison of the lists of Cossacks of the Kropyvna Regiment, individual sotnias of neighboring regiments, and Irkliiv and Shcherbynivka kurins of the Zaporozhian Sich with the identified toponyms made it possible to identify a group of anthroponyms that are directly or indirectly related to the toponymy of the Kropyvna Region. The results of the study were the identification of five groups from the registers of anthroponyms of the Cossacks of the Kropyvna Region, which allow us to prove the origin of the names of a certain part of the toponyms, katoikonyms, adektonyms and oikonyms from the nicknames and surnames of the Cossacks. The study confirmed the previously recorded fact of the appearance of a significant part of toponyms in the period of the first half of the 17th century, when these «Registers» were created. And in general, Ukrainian toponymy is widely reflected in Cossack surnames.
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