
  • Mykhailo Polishchuk



Pyrrhus Aetus, Pyrrhus of Epirus, ὑπομνήματα, commentarii, Notes, memoirs, reminiscences, book


The purpose of the article with support on the preserved antique source base comprehensively analyze the literary activity of the hegemon of Epirus Union, the King of Molossian and Macedonia Pyrrhus Aetus (319–272 BC). Research methodology is based on the principles of his historicism of systematicity the scientific verification, author’s objectivity, as well using general scientific methods for analyzing synthesis of generalization. The novelty of the study lies in the first attempt within the framework of historical science to introduce a comprehensive research study and analysis of the lost literary heritage of Pyrrhus Аetus; thoroughly analyzed usage of the term by ancient authors “ὑπομνήματα”, its correspondences in the Ukrainian language are defined, analyzed form and contend of works under the appropriate title. Particular attention is paid to the context the mention of Pyrrhus in the treatise Athenaeus Mechanicus. Conclusions. In the process of analyzing the course base, a significant literary heritage was identified. Pyrrhus Aetus which includes treatises “Tactics”, “Siege”, as well as book of memoirs that in the Hellenic tradition was called “ὑπομνήματα”. Determined what is recorded in the sources under the title “ὑπομνήματα”, labor should be positioned as full-fledged in the form of a book. Found that this book wore the shape of a scroll indicating its volume, which must be equivalent to the volume of the averages scroll of that time. By content this book is the closest to “commentarii” Roman military and political figure Gaius Iulius Caesarus, and performs the same ideological task. Revealed that the characteristic features of the literary style of Pyrrhus Aetus feast style is compressed and objectivity as well as concentration on the narrow subject of military art. Has been suggested that exactly is not inherent in ancient authors and is not inherent in the ancient reader objective selectivity from the literary heritage and writing style of Pyrrhus Aetus cased her loss.


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How to Cite

Polishchuk, M. (2024). THE LITERARY HERITAGE OF PYRR AETUS. Історія та археологія, (2), 87–101.


